34 year old dude from Norway, loves hanggliding and all that is fun :-) Can be reached on phone +47 928 62 877, but I prefere writen messages, so please write email (estrandl@online.no).

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mexico - Valle de Bravo

After 5 days in Mexico city, I arrived in Valle de Bravo after 3 hours of bus ride. Valle de Bravo is a very nice place and perfect for flying. Many norwegians are well familiar with Valle de Bravo, but i think I now only paragliderpilots who have traveled here(each year aprox 80 norwegians fly here in Valle de Bravo around february)

Here are some pictures from Valle de Bravo: http://foto.vg.no/show_album.php?aid=710469

After flying here for 6 days I have greats fligth each day, I also set a new personal altitude record here with 4200 meters. And i can asure everybody that it was VERY cold up there in an open harness.

The wing I rented here was a Wills Wing U2 160, very nice ving to fly.

The last day I flied a Eazy 165 from Icaro, sinse some kids down here stole four battens from the glider.

More info later........

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

USA - Torrey Pines - San Diego

After weeks of bad weather, overdelopment, snow in the mountains and park rangers denying me flying in the national parks, I found a relly nice spot at Death Valley, where you actually can launch below sealevel and soar up to sealevel or much higher if the termals are rigth. So after sightsing true Owens valley, Death valley, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and Zion I headed out to the coast again and had 3 days of great flying at Torrey pines in San Diego. Many nice people there and a great flying site (litle bit crowded). Got some good video footage here with me and John Heiney. John was diving in front of my glider and doing a loop over the ocean. He also passed under me, so i could touch his sail if i wanted to (in a short moment). Also fun flying with the pelicans soaring in big flocks rigth next to you.

Here are the Torrey Pines Gliderport link: http://www.flytorrey.com

And here are some pictures I taken while i was there: http://foto.vg.no/show_album.php?aid=696909

Mexico and Valle de Bravo next :-)

Monday, May 09, 2005

USA - Wills Wing Factory :-)

After owning many Wills Wing hanggliders, I just had to visit the Wills Wing factory. Mike Meier was very kind to receive me in the afternoon, and I got the grand tour of the factory. It was great to see how the gliders are produced there. I was hoping to get a demoflight with the new T2 from Wills Wing, but unfortunately, Rob's and my schedule didn't fit. Others that have flown it says it is very nice to fly. It glides and handles extremley well.

I also met Scott Barret(Airborne) at Wills Wing, he was there to certifi/test Airborne gliders with Wills Wing equipment. They have a relly nice truck to test the gliders with (load testing). Wills Wing and Airborne do some kind of coroparation on making hangliderparts and other stuff.