Mexico - Valle de Bravo
After 5 days in Mexico city, I arrived in Valle de Bravo after 3 hours of bus ride. Valle de Bravo is a very nice place and perfect for flying. Many norwegians are well familiar with Valle de Bravo, but i think I now only paragliderpilots who have traveled here(each year aprox 80 norwegians fly here in Valle de Bravo around february)
Here are some pictures from Valle de Bravo:
After flying here for 6 days I have greats fligth each day, I also set a new personal altitude record here with 4200 meters. And i can asure everybody that it was VERY cold up there in an open harness.
The wing I rented here was a Wills Wing U2 160, very nice ving to fly.
The last day I flied a Eazy 165 from Icaro, sinse some kids down here stole four battens from the glider.
More info later........