Chile - flying in Santiago
Nice to be here in the Santiago area. I got the good spring feeling and its always nice to do some flying. Here in chile there are about 20 hanglider pilots and 300 paragliderpilots I been told. Most of them have base here in the Santiago area. There are also some few hangglider pilots further up north in the La Serena area. Augusto Olivares was nice to rent me his glider (Wills Wing Ram Air 154) and drive me to their flying sites outside Santiago. Augusto has been flying hanglider for 20 years, but is now only flying paraglider and works as a instructor as well. At the flying site I met several other pilots, and had a good time flying with them. This flying site is owned by the pilots them selfs and they have their own clubhouse here. There are a "higth limitation" in the area since the airport is very close (see some of the pictures. Ps, I dident zoom to get the airplane that close!). There are several flying sites next to Santiago and in spring / summer time good possiblilties for XC flights.
More pictures from flying in Santiago:
On the pictures you see 1) Me and Augusto and one of his kids, 2) One of the Local pilots launching, 3) Me and a paraglider (Notice the mountainrange in the background, its passes rigth behind Santiago and is flyable all the way), 4) Launch and one of the local pilots.