34 year old dude from Norway, loves hanggliding and all that is fun :-) Can be reached on phone +47 928 62 877, but I prefere writen messages, so please write email (estrandl@online.no).

Saturday, March 26, 2005

New Zealand

New zealand turned out to be really a nice place with fantastic nature. I tried to go flying with a NZ friend (Tom Collet) in Nelson, but the weather deamon was not nice with us.

So what to do when weather is not good for soaring, go to Queenstown and do some crazy stuff :-) as close as you get to free flying and great fun! have a look yourself: http://foto.vg.no/show_album.php?aid=642770
or look at their website http://www.flybywire.co.nz

Hopefully i be flying in the USA in some weeks

Saturday, March 05, 2005

New Zealand next

Tommorow I continue on to New Zealand to be tourist. I bring with me my harness so if there are any new zealanders who read this and have wing to lend, please send me a mail :-)

Video from Australia

I have made a new video from Australia. You find it in the video links on my homepage or go direct: http://www.strandli.net/strandli/strandli.nsf/viewBlob/downunder256/$file/downunder256.wmv

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Manilla 2005 hanggliding competition

Then the flying is over for me in Australia for this time. I ended up on 41st place out of 70 pilots. Task nr 4 I landed on purpose since I did not like the conditions; big clouds, thunder and strong wind. Task nr 5 was better, but ended also up with thunder and overdevelopment. That was not a big problem since we were flying away from the bad weather. The first turnpoint was 36 km away and with headwind most of the pilots ended up inbetween launch and first turnpoint. I almost made the first turnpoint; missed with 2 km and ended on the 31st place. Below are some pictures from the competition: http://foto.vg.no/show_album.php?aid=622839

When it comes to flying I feel very comfortable in the Airborne C2. After 40 hours I find it very easy to thermal with, it climbs very good, easy handling and glides extremly good.

Several people have asked me how I attach my videocamera to my wing, below you find 2 pictures of the arrangement I use. I normally attach it under the wing wire and if I attach it on the keel I only use the upper attachment (it has a velcro on it and a screw for the cam)